Stealing His Heart Away Page 8
“I see. I hope he heals soon.” Ryan decided to leave the matter alone, at least for the moment. Roman would heal from whatever emotional scars that had been dealt to him in the past. He continued, “He said he’ll give me a chance.”
“Oh? Big of him,” Axel said. “Don’t think about it too much. Roman’s going to come around sooner or later.”
Ryan didn’t exactly expect Roman and him to kiss and make up anytime soon, but at least they made some progress.
“I did okay, didn’t I?”
Axel stopped at a red light then flashed him a heart-stopping killer grin. What Axel said next made him feel like he was on the top of the world. “Better than okay, baby. You aced tonight.”
* * * *
“See you later, little human,” Axel said the next morning.
It felt good, standing outside his own front door to kiss his mate good-bye. Axel tipped his chin and gave him a bruising kiss that left him yearning for more.
“I have a little surprise for you tonight,” Axel told him after they parted.
He raised his brows, tried to act coy, but deep down, Ryan was excited. “Oh? What’s the occasion?”
“Do we need one?” Axel asked with one eyebrow raised.
“Well, you got a point there. Good luck with your interview at the shifter security team.” When he heard Axel mention about the job interview, Ryan had been ecstatic for him. While he didn’t exactly support Axel’s current career choice, he didn’t want to push his mate either. Axel reassured him this was his own decision, though, although thinking about their future had a hand in his choice.
“I tell you how it goes after,” Axel said.
Ryan lingered by the door for a little longer, watching his mate walk up to his car. His neighbor, old Mr. Thompson spotted him and nodded to him. He returned the gesture before heading back inside. Old anxieties still resurfaced sometimes, but he could handle them better now.
All Ryan had to do was take deep breaths before focusing on any situation he needed to tackle. Back in the house, Ryan went to the kitchen. He cleared their breakfast plates before firing up his laptop for work. Sitting on the counter, he looked back on the events of the past few days and was amazed by how much life had changed.
He started out as this depressed and miserable shut-in, but look at him now. Ryan finally had the guts to live his life like everyone else, although he was still working on his issues. He found his mate, a man who cherished and loved him, and he felt the exact same. Sometimes, he still couldn’t believe he was finally in a much better place in his life.
Ryan knew he could never take things for granted though. He knew very well how it felt like, starting with so much, with a loving family and bright future, and ending up with nothing after just a simple, violent accident. But he refused to keep thinking in negative terms.
If there was one thing he learned, it was the fact that life was unpredictable, painful, and on the rare occasions, wonderful.
He refilled his coffee mug and began checking his emails. Ryan finished off a video conference and did a little work on a new project when he realized it was close to lunch time. He checked his phone to see Axel left him a message about passing his first test. Ryan guessed that the private security firm required their paranormal recruits to be in the prime bill of health.
Ryan was about to fix himself some sandwiches and a bowl of salad when he heard what sounded like a curse from his yard. Odd. Was he imagining things? He definitely heard the old gate making that familiar creaking noise.
Hmm. Curious indeed. His werewolf mate could be sneaky and quiet, but Axel could also be making those noises to surprise him.
Was it possible his mate had finished his interview and was playing hide-and-seek in wolf form with him?
It wasn’t the first time Axel did something like this. Once, Axel surprised him during mid-day by turning to wolf and making wolf noises in the yard, and he came out, only for Axel to pounce on him. Ryan couldn’t complain given Axel shifted back to human form there and then. He still couldn’t forget how sexy it was, with his mate above him, straddling him, all covered in sweat and a little bit of dirt.
His dick pulsed in remembrance. Smiling to himself, he got off his stool and took his sweet time exiting the back door. No one was there. Of course.
“Come on out, babe. I don’t have the time to play games,” he called out. A lie, of course, because Ryan could use the distraction. Ryan always had time for his gorgeous mate.
A branch snapped from somewhere closely, and he turned, rolling his eyes.
“Really, Axel, if you—” His next words died in his throat. Fear kicked up several notches as terror paralyzed him completely. His mind blanked out.
Jeremy Raines appeared from his hiding spot between the two pine trees, left hand curled over the handle of a revolver. Ryan recognized him, despite the fact Jeremy had shaved off his beard, because Ryan followed the case close enough, had probably searched Jeremey’s name plenty of times to know.
For a moment, his throat froze up, too.
Jeremy’s black eyes met his and the escaped convict’s thin lips twisted to what Ryan guessed passed for a grim smile. “Hello, Ryan, it’s been awhile. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see you.”
Chapter Thirteen
Axel tasted sudden terror he’d never known—so sudden, in fact, that he had to stop the car by the side of the road just in case he lost control of the wheel. He swore under his breath, realizing it wasn’t his fear he sensed, but his mate’s.
Since he’d given Ryan the mark, their bond had been growing. When they first mated, he could sometimes tell if Ryan was sad or happy, but he’d never felt the brunt of Ryan’s intense emotions until now.
A snarl rattled from his throat, his wolf pissed and worried sick inside of him. Axel resisted the urge to give into his animal and go on a rampage. He reeled in his control and tried to sense more from the mate bond, but he felt nothing. Ryan was still was alive, though, he was pretty sure of that.
If Ryan died, he’d feel a large hole in his heart. Axel had seen first-hand during his years of service in the paranormal ops, how shifters who lost their mate acted. They were reduced to their former selves, and finally he understood why. If he lost his mate, the man he loved above everything else, he wouldn’t know what to do next.
Think rationally, he chided to himself. Just then, his phone rang and he picked up automatically. It was Roman, much to his surprise.
“Axel, I’ve gotten word from a contact that someone matching Jeremy Raines’s description had been spotted at a coffee shop two blocks away from Ryan’s address,” Roman said.
“Got it, thanks,” he managed to grit it. That confirmed the reason for Ryan’s sudden spike in emotions through their bond. Without realizing it, he started the car engine and started for home again.
Home. It was a strange way to refer to the house that Ryan turned into his own prison, but he realized Ryan saw the place differently now. Both of them had unknowingly transformed it to something else, a haven they could call their own. Axel saw himself growing old with Ryan in that house and inviting their friends over to celebrate milestones.
His throat tightened and his wolf grew more restless and overprotective. Through the rearview mirror, Axel saw his eyes had had turned yellow.
“Shit,” he muttered, picking up the speed.
By the time he killed the engine in front of Ryan’s house, he could barely contain his rage. His wolf practically spilled out of his skin but he managed to keep the beast on a leash, only until he reached for the front door.
It took a few tries to get the keys in, but he managed on the third try. Once inside, the change came over him. Fur covered his chest and shoulders, bones broke and reformed, as did organs, and he sprouted claws and fangs. Once Axel hit all four paws, he caught wind of Ryan’s scent mingling with the smell of coffee in the kitchen.
He sprinted to the kitchen and saw the light still on from Ryan’s laptop. Ryan’s c
omputer still hadn’t gone on sleep mode. Good. He hadn’t taken that long. Axel ran to the open back door, where Ryan’s scent was strongest. He knew it was better for him to sneak up on Raines and maul him, but he didn’t have the patience, and even if Raines carried weapons, the puny human would stand no chance against him.
He let out a furious howl as he emerged, spotting the tall, muscled man with the shaved head and badly done prison tattoos standing inches from his mate. Seeing him, Raines’s eyes widened in alarm and Raines raised a revolver.
Axel bet that small toy only contained lead bullets. Sure, they’d hurt like hell, would only slow him down for a brief second, but it wouldn’t do him much damage. He nearly let loose, would allow his wolf to tear this asshole to shreds, but Ryan’s words stopped him.
“Axel, wait. Please. He didn’t come here to kill me,” Ryan said.
He halted, confused, but he was disciplined enough to rein in his wolf. Axel’s mate was telling him something important and he had to listen, so he stopped right beside Ryan, but that didn’t stop him from baring his fangs at Raines.
Raines swallowed, still looking at him, before returning his gaze to Ryan. The bastard even lowered his gun. An unwise move, but fine, he’d give this bastard a few more seconds to explain himself before doling out his own personal brand of justice.
“Hear me out first, before you let your werewolf friend end me,” Raines began.
Oh, if Raines wanted death so badly, Axel would grant him that.
“Go on,” Ryan said. At that moment, Axel was so damn proud of his mate, because it took a lot of courage to stand up to the bogeyman that had probably hunted Ryan’s nightmares for a long time. Ryan still had them but they were fewer now.
“I escaped with my pals for two reasons—to meet you and see my daughter. I don’t wish you harm. I’ve thought about my actions for every day of my life, and even if it doesn’t mean much, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have drunk so much that night, much less gotten into my car.”
Ryan started to shake, and he pressed himself closer so Ryan could clutch at his fur. He sent soothing energy through their mate bond, wanting to let his mate know Ryan was never alone. Axel couldn’t risk turning back to human yet. He was faster in this form, just in case this all turned out to be a ruse, a game for Jeremy, but part of him didn’t think so.
Axel had seen and ended his fair share of evil men, men who didn’t deserve redemption and committed deeds too unforgivable. Some of the targets his commander gave him were real monsters that deserved to be put down. Raines had committed one mistake, but fuck, Ryan was his mate. He still wanted to see this reckless human bastard dead.
“I regret what I did and I know my apology won’t bring your family back. I’m not asking for forgiveness,” Raines said.
“Why did you come see me in the first place?” Ryan’s voice came out shaky, but there was undeniable steel there. Axel wouldn’t possess the same patience or kindness as his mate. He would have gutted Raines on the spot, even if Raines didn’t mean Ryan any physical harm. “I mean, you have a gun with you.”
Raines tucked the gun away in his belt. “For personal protection. These bullets aren’t for you. I just wanted you to know, that’s all. Will you end me here?”
Ryan bit his lip and Axel knew his mate considered it. Every muscle in his body tensed up. Axel was ready to play executioner, especially if it meant ending the life of the man who took everything precious from Ryan, who made Ryan suffer for so many years and prevented Ryan from living a normal life.
Whatever his mate decided, Axel would stand with him. Although he didn’t want the guilt to eat his mate later. Tension skyrocketed. Given a choice, he wouldn’t let Ryan stain his own hands with blood. He could hear the harsh pounding of Ryan’s heart with his supernatural hearing, but he kept steady. Ryan needed him to be his anchor now, so he waited.
* * * *
Having the power over life and death over the man he hated, the murderer who ended the lives of his family, was a heady feeling. Yet, Ryan hesitated. Raines wore a look of defeat on his face. Head bowed, eyes haunted, Raines looked like a dead man walking. Would his family be happy, knowing their killer had been put in his grave?
Axel pressed his huge, lethal body closer to him, and he looked down, met the eyes of his mate. A moment ago, Axel looked scary as hell, his eyes narrowed and glowing. Now, his werewolf mate seemed solemn, patient.
Ryan knew what to do. The last thing he wanted was to sink to Raines’s level. Vengeance hadn’t been the answer. Raines mentioned he broke out of prison for two reasons. Ryan knew there was no reason to show mercy, but most of his anger had melted away, leaving nothing but emptiness.
He’d regret ending this man.
“Leave my home, Raines,” he said. “We’re done.”
Surprised, Raines blinked, then nodded. Without another word, the escaped convict exited his yard. That interaction sapped all his energy. He collapsed to his knees and pulled his mate close to him. Axel didn’t take his eyes off the gate and a smile tugged on the corner of Ryan’s lips. Of course, Axel would still be concerned about his protection.
When it appeared Raines wouldn’t return, it was no longer a wolf in his arms. Axel wrapped his muscled arms around him, and he buried his head into Axel’s chest, loving the familiar warmth and smell of him.
“What are you going to do now, little human? Will you call the cops?” Axel asked.
Ryan thought about it. “Yes, but I won’t tell them I have an idea where he’s going next. It’s none of my business anyway.”
“You’re too kind for your own good.”
“Maybe.” Ryan agreed but hadn’t Raines served his time? It was still poor payment for the lives of his family. If he hadn’t had Axel in his life, Ryan would probably never hesitate to end Raines’s life just so he could continue feeling safe.
His old self, scared, cowardly, and pathetic still sometimes made him cringe, but he couldn’t erase the past. All he could do now was focus on his future with his mate.
“Thank you,” he told Axel.
“For what?”
“For not attacking Raines, for giving me that choice.”
“We all need to make hard decisions in our lives, baby. You passed your test with flying colors,” Axel said, words making him all fuzzy and warm.
“And do I get a reward for that?” he boldly asked.
Axel rose to his feet, offered him a hand up, which he grasped. He let Axel help him up, only to feel Axel’s hand on his waist.
“Wait,” he began, but Axel easily swung him into his arms without warning. Yelping, he held onto his mate and scowled. “You didn’t warn me.”
Axel only chuckled, the deep sound of his laugh making his insides melt. He rested his head against Axel’s chest, enjoying the journey as Axel carried him back inside the house. All those years of living in fear seemed so far away, like a dream, now that he’d already spoken and faced Raines.
He’d finally made his peace with the past. Now, he had plenty to look forward to in the future.
Chapter Fourteen
“The police have apprehended escaped convict Jeremy Raines in the family home of Melissa Raines—” the reporter on the news was saying, but Ryan grabbed the TV remote and turned it off.
He headed back to the kitchen, where he did his best to make Axel and himself dinner.
Axel was right. When he watched the news obsessively, Ryan continued feeding his fears, letting them control him. Now, he was finally in a better place. He’d only turn the news on, at night, and he no longer glossed over disasters that were halfway around the world. His job was going well, too. He had an important project coming up and meeting up with Mr. Tanner only seemed to improve his relationship with the company.
Sensing his mate behind him through the mate bonds, Ryan didn’t move. He continued acting nonchalant as he stirred the pot containing what should have been pumpkin soup. Axel pressed himself against his back, gave the mate mark on his neck a ki
ss. He shivered as Axel ran fingers up his arm.
“What is that supposed to be, baby?” Axel asked against his ear.
He huffed. “Pumpkin soup.”
“Is it supposed to look green?”
He stopped stirring to glare at his mate. “I did everything right.” Then the smell of burning meat hit his nose. “Shit! That’s the chicken.”
Ryan rushed to the oven and opened it, only to have black smoke come up at his face. He coughed, only to find Axel nudging him aside.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt,” Axel said. “Let me.”
Ryan was about to say something witty, then remembered he didn’t even bother reaching for his oven mitts. He nodded, grimacing as Axel pulled the blackened bird out and set it on the counter.
“Black meat and green soup, exactly my favorite meal,” Axel said.
Instead of getting mad like he used to in the past when something in his life failed, he clutched at his stomach and started to laugh. Axel joined in moments later. Tears filled his eyes. God. He hadn’t laughed like this in ages.
“So,” Axel began. “What do you say to take-out?”
Ryan nodded. “I was worried about making tonight perfect.”
Axel grabbed him close, their chest and hips touching. Ryan became aware of Axel’s erection pressing up against his. He grinned. Ryan always liked how his dominant, growly mate always got rock hard around him fast.
“You call and I’ll clean up?” Ryan suggested.
Axel shook his head. “We’ll switch.”
“You’ve already labored over the stove for an hour and a half,” Axel replied, walking over to the fridge and passing him a beer, which he gratefully accepted. “Relax on the living room couch.”
“You’re a saint.”
Axel’s eyes gleamed with playfulness, a look he was familiar with. “Am I?”
He swallowed, knowing exactly what on his mate’s head—pervy, sexy thoughts probably, and he loved Axel for that. Ryan coughed politely and changed the topic. “Pizza?”