Stealing His Heart Away Page 6
“What if I can never go out?” he asked his mate once they were inside the kitchen.
“You can and you will. I believe in you.”
Those words lent him resolve and strength, but when push came to shove again, would Ryan freeze up again?
Chapter Nine
Next to Axel in bed, he felt his little human stir awake. He was about to say something but decided to shut his mouth instead when he glimpsed the determined and stubborn look on Ryan’s face. Something momentous was about to happen and even his wolf knew it.
He remained still, pretending to sleep as Ryan checked on him, before padding outside the door. Hearing Ryan’s fading footsteps on the stairs, he sat up. His phone vibrated from under his pillow. Grabbing it, he saw it was Zane again.
“This better be important,” he growled out.
His friends, save for Ivan, had been shocked when he announced he mated Ryan. They understood how he wanted to spend a lot of time with Ryan when the mating was so new, so they mostly left him alone. Sooner or later, they’d demand to meet Ryan. He wanted Ryan to meet the men he considered his brothers, too, but being around too many people might overwhelm his mate at the moment.
“You’d want to hear this. Jeremy Raines just escaped from prison an hour ago.”
Rage colored his vision. “What the fuck?”
“I’m sending you the news right now. Keep close to your human, Axel, and if you need anything, call us.”
His anger loosened. “Thanks, Zane. I appreciate it.”
“Anytime, brother.”
He fumed as he ended the call. Right on cue, Zane’s email came through. He scrolled through the news, gritting his teeth. It appeared some inmates broke out from the prison Raines was being kept in. Axel walked over to the window to see Ryan standing in the middle of the yard, staring at the trees and the gate he’d been close to having a breakdown only this afternoon.
Pride surged through him. His mate was willing to face his fears, to try again, despite failing. Axel couldn’t tell Ryan the news now, he refused to ruin what might be a triumphant moment for his mate. He’d deal with Jeremy Raines later, in his own way.
Raines didn’t know what he was up against. Axel swore he wouldn’t kill again, but for this monster who ended the lives of Ryan’s family, he’d make an exception. Once he helped Ryan see this roadblock through, he’d go hunting.
His wolf growled in approval. The beast was excited at the prospect of bloodlust, except this time, they would be hunting for a purpose. To help put down Ryan’s demons. With Raines gone, Ryan would have nothing to fear.
His skin itched, not to go find Raines, not yet, but to lend Ryan support. Axel took off his boxers and shifted. Fur covered him. Organs and bone rearranged themselves. Once on all four paws, he sprinted out of the room and down the stairs.
In the kitchen, he slowed down, deciding not to announce his presence yet. The last thing he wanted was to clip Ryan’s wings before Ryan could learn to fly on his own. Holding Ryan back or being overprotective had been one of his fears, but his mate proved that he was stronger than Axel gave him credit for.
A werewolf could be quiet when he wanted, so he didn’t make a noise as he padded outside. It looked like Ryan hadn’t sensed him yet.
The human stood only a few paces from the fence, taking deep breaths as Ryan stared into the dark. Did his mate see the demons of his past?
Axel stuck to the edge of the fence, keeping some distance from his mate, but never letting his eye off Ryan. He wanted Ryan to see him when his little human reached the fence. Strange how it was Ryan doing all the work, but his heart pounded furiously. He didn’t know if it helped, but he sent some encouraging energy through the mate bonds connecting them.
You can do it, baby. Come to me. Taste freedom with me.
* * * *
Fisting his hands by his side, Ryan told himself he was being silly. This was like ripping the bandage off a wound without warning. Ryan continued to walk, then before he faltered again, he broke into a run. Night air whipped at his face. At this time of the night, few cars drove along the street outside his fence.
He could do this. Conquer his fears once and for all. The distance was so short and yet it felt like he ran for miles. He collapsed on his knees as he reached his destination. Not yet, he realized, but he couldn’t go further. Ryan felt something soft and warm press close to him, and he blinked, yelping when he noticed the large wolf in front of him.
Axel flashed his teeth at him. Did that pass for a smile?
Ryan had to laugh, he couldn’t help it. Did he think he could really sneak past his werewolf mate?
“How long have you been watching over me?” he asked.
Axel couldn’t answer and the werewolf didn’t shift to human, merely parted from him and looked at the fence door. A reassuring energy washed over him, and he wondered if Axel had used their mate bond to send him a little dose of extra courage.
“I got it,” he said, standing up, strength renewed. With his mate next to his side, it only took a few steps. With shaking hands, he opened the door. It swung noisily outward, and for the first time in ten years, Ryan stepped into the outside world.
Streetlights looked back at him. He didn’t even jump when a car streaked past him. Ryan took deep breaths, felt Axel’s muscled wolf brush against his left leg. Ryan found himself clutching at Axel’s black, rich fur.
He always associated the outside world with danger, but not anymore. When the accident happened, he’d been a teenager, traumatized and scared. Ryan was stronger now, and he was starting to believe Axel, that it wasn’t thanks to the werewolf that his life changed. Ryan had been the one to make the decision to move forward on his own. His mate simply lent him a helping hand, or paw.
“I did it,” he whispered. Axel cocked his head, golden eyes looking amused as hell, as if telling Ryan, “I told you so.” He sunk to Axel’s level, pulled his mate into a hug. Relief washed over him like a wave.
Ryan knew he had plenty of work ahead of him, that being around people in daylight would probably be a different matter entirely, but he was proud he managed to overcome his first hurdle. He stood there a couple of more minutes, before heading back inside, Axel right at his heels.
“Next time,” he told his mate. “I’ll be walking out the front door with you.”
Arriving at the kitchen, Axel changed back to human form and swept Ryan into his arms. Axel slammed his lips over his, kissing him hard and deep. He clutched at his mate, breathing in Axel’s familiar strength.
“You bet,” Axel said, pulling away. Fire lit in the werewolf’s eyes. “You have no idea how turned on I am. Wait.” Axel rubbed his hips against him, grinding his hard erection against his pajama bottoms.
“Oh, I think I have an inkling,” he replied.
“You do, don’t you?” Axel then placed his hands on his waist and, without warning, swung Ryan into his arms. Yelping, Ryan placed his arms around Axel’s neck.
“Next time, please warn me,” he complained as Axel began carrying him out the kitchen and back up the stairs.
“Can’t promise you that.” Axel kissed him quickly on the lips. “Time for some celebration.”
“Hell yes!”
* * * *
Jeremy Raines changed out of his prison uniform and into a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt. The other men in his cell block did the same. Their leader, Matthew Murdock, walked up to him and nodded.
“We’ll part ways here, Raines,” Matt said, offering one inked hand, which Jeremy shook.
It had been Matt who came up with the escape plan, but Raines had been eager to get out like the rest of them. Prison shaved years off his life, and fuck, a man couldn’t live that way without turning into a monster.
“Best of luck,” Jeremy told Matt. He inclined his head to the others, hardened criminals who were his temporary allies, but not anymore because they were no longer prisoners.
“Hope we don’t see each other again,” Matt said.
The six other men left in ones or in twos, leaving only Matt and him. Jeremy had nothing on him but the clothes on his back and his shoes. He didn’t even have any cash to take a bus ride, but it didn’t matter.
If there was one thing Jeremy learned in prison, it was to make do. Be creative.
“I got something else for you,” Matt added before leaving their dilapidated safe house, an abandoned cabin a couple of miles from the prison.
Soon enough, cops and dogs would swarm the place, but by then, Jeremy would be gone. Matt pulled out something metallic from his backpack and handed it to Jeremy. It was a revolver. Smiling, he accepted the gift.
“Thought it might come in handy, I have another,” Matt said. Without another word, the other ex-con left the cabin.
Jeremy turned the weapon over in his hands and tucked it in his belt.
He had places to be, one last purpose to fulfill.
Well, just one location. Jeremy intended to pay a visit to the one individual who landed him behind bars and stole years of his life.
Chapter Ten
“Axel, where’s the morning paper?” Ryan asked the next morning.
Axel shrugged. Ryan narrowed his eyes. “You know I always like to browse through the news while we eat breakfast,” he stated. Ryan knew he was being childish, but he still liked having a certain routine to follow. Axel had been the biggest change in his life, but he still went on about his usual errands the same way.
“You pay attention to the news too much anyway,” Axel said, sipping his coffee.
Ryan recognized the bright blue mug with the cartoon wolf on the side. He’d given it to Axel a few days ago. After seeing it on an online website that made customized mugs, he knew he had to give it to his mate. Both the cup and the man using it reminded him how much his life had taken a 360-degree turn.
Axel wasn’t done. The werewolf continued, “It’s not bad to turn off the news sometimes, take a deep breath and relax.”
Ryan scowled. He knew he paid attention to the news channels far too much, obsessively almost, as if he constantly needed reminding the world was a dangerous place, but not anymore. Ryan told himself he’d try to get rid of the habit, except something about Axel seemed suspicious.
They only knew each other for a while but Ryan knew when Axel tried to act nonchalant, like that one time Axel accidentally broke one of his mother’s old plates. He’d been angry, naturally, but eventually cooled after realizing it had been an accident.
“What are you hiding from me?” he finally asked.
“Why would you think that?” Axel looked affronted by his accusation, but there was something else, too. Axel wasn’t laughing or teasing. The werewolf wore an all-too-serious look that made him a little worried.
“Axel. What’s this about?” he had to ask. “Weren’t you the one who told me honesty is the foundation of every relationship? I bared my soul to you, have never kept anything from you.”
Axel had been the same, had never shied away from telling Ryan about his time in the army, although it clearly pained the werewolf to talk about some of the darker memories.
“Fine.” Axel blew out a breath. “You’ll find out anyway, but take deep breaths first, all right?”
Worry filled him and he did as Axel said. “You’re scaring me a little.”
“Ready?” Axel asked.
He nodded.
Axel took out his phone, did a few swipes and gave it to him. A news article looked back at him and he swallowed, seeing the first two words. His hands started to shake so badly that he could barely hold onto the phone.
“Mass prison breakout?” he whispered, scrolling through the article, stomach clenching as he finally reached to the names of the prisoners who escaped. He dropped Axel’s phone.
A wave of nausea hit him and he nearly staggered, but Axel came up behind him, wrapping him in a protective hug. He turned to bury his face against Axel’s big and warm chest. Ryan breathed in Axel’s familiar scent of soap, wolf musk, and vanilla.
His werewolf mate began stroking his back and that calmed him a little, enabled him to think clearly again. Ryan hadn’t bothered reading the exact details of Raines’s escape. The only thing that mattered was the fact Raines was no longer behind bars. Raines was free to roam, to seek him out and finish what he started ten years ago.
Raines killed his family, and in return, ten years of Raines’s life was taken away. Back then, his frightened younger self thought that it wasn’t enough. A monster like Raines needed to be locked away for life, but he’d done his share of research over the years. Raines had a family, too, a daughter the same age as his brother Tom.
He’d been struck by how one savage act of violence had the power to create so many ripples and affect so many lives. Ryan still hated Raines, but he’d also watched old videos of Raines captured by the media, crying, begging to be heard.
“He was drunk that night,” he whispered out loud. “That had been his excuse. His wife wanted a divorce, and they just had a fight.”
Axel didn’t interrupt him, only listened.
“I heard his wife and daughter never once visited him in prison. I know, because I’m constantly tuned into the news. A reporter recently covered the old story, had interviewed his wife, well, ex-wife now, who remarried.”
Axel gave his shoulders a squeeze and the look Axel flashed him, all fury and anger, left him speechless. “I promise you, Ryan. This fucker won’t touch you. If he dares, I’ll rip him to shreds.”
The thing was, Ryan believed him and he knew Axel was capable of fulfilling his promise.
“I don’t want you to end up in jail, not when we’re just starting out,” he said. “I know it’s selfish, but losing you is the last thing I want. Besides, I think some part of me pitied Raines. I hate him, and yet we’re alike. Both of us lost our families.”
Axel hugged him tighter, slanted his lips over Ryan’s and gave him a kiss Ryan didn’t think the big werewolf had been capable of. It was soft, slow, and tender. When Axel pulled away, the intensity in his bright eyes hadn’t faded away. “I’m your family now, Ryan, your mate. I’ll always be by your side no matter what.”
“Thank you.” It wasn’t the first time Axel said those words but it was as if Axel knew he needed the reassurance.
“Besides, you needn’t worry about me. I know plenty of ways to make a body disappear.”
“I believe you.” His heart started racing a little faster at those words. Ryan had an inkling of what Axel’s former job required him to do, but killing on the orders of another man had left scars on his mate’s soul. Axel didn’t need more scars on his account.
“You know, other men would be afraid of me right now,” Axel said.
“Never me,” he automatically answered. “How could I be, when you’re mine?”
Axel chuckled, the mood in the room lifting. “Aw. Getting all possessive now, little human?”
“Learned it from you. You’re the bad influence.”
“Come on, I think we both need a little air, don’t you think?”
“What do you have in mind?” he asked.
“Let’s go for a drive around the city.”
For a moment, Ryan couldn’t process Axel’s words. “A drive, outside?” Ryan nearly choked on his words. He only managed to walk outside the night before by some miracle, but a drive in the daylight? Was he strong enough?
Axel regarded him. “No?”
Ryan looked out the windows. It was bright and sunny outside, the sky a pastel shade of blue. His heart hammered as he said the casual words, but Axel probably knew how much it took of him to say them. “Sure, why the hell not?”
Axel wore a wolfish grin. “Get your coat.”
Ryan grabbed his favorite blue hoodie from his closet and met Axel by the front door. He hadn’t bothered changing out of his jogging pants and ratty shirt, his sleeping wear. The longer he procrastinated, the more he’d overthink. Ryan blew out a breath, seeing Axel waiting.
“You ready, baby?” Axel asked. “You know, if this is too soon—”
“I’ve got to try,” he interrupted. “Last night can’t be a fluke.”
“You scared?”
“More than you know,” he told his mate honestly. “I keep wondering about what the neighbors would think if they see me. That’s not the worse. I think I’ve developed a fear of cars, riding in one or being run over by one the moment I step outside my house.”
“Those are valid fears, but you’re forgetting two things, baby. One, I’m here with you all the way, and two, you’re a lot stronger than you know.”
Ryan was baffled. “Me, strong? You give me too much credit.”
“Simply stating the truth. You wielded a baseball bat against a werewolf didn’t you?” Axel asked.
“Well, yeah.” Ryan knew making small talk wouldn’t get him anywhere.
“Walk out into the light with me, little human, chin up, eyes forward. Be fucking proud.” Axel’s encouraging words ignited a fire inside of him Ryan didn’t know existed.
Feeling more courageous than ever, he nodded as Axel opened the door. Hunger to see the world he’d shut out for years with Axel next to him overcame all other doubts. He did as Axel asked, walked with his head held high, but he began to feel conscious with the more ground he covered. Ryan felt eyes watching him, although he was certain that was all in his imagination.
Who cared if the crazy neighborhood recluse decided to finally get out of his house?
God. The street ahead of him was where his parents and Tom were run over by Jeremy Raines. He could almost imagine the sound of the tires screeching on asphalt, cars ramming against each other—
Stop it, he chided to himself. Ryan had been asleep the entire time while his family died, which made things even worse. His chest tightened and it felt hard to breathe. Ryan couldn’t do this. Hell, he’d crawl back to his safe haven if need be. This was too much, except his home ceased to be a fortress, especially now that Jeremy Raines had escaped.